QR Codes adds a Hi-tech twist to Gardening

You have probably seen those funny looking images on packaging, but have you ever scanned them to see the value they offer?  Well, scanning them may save you time, money, and a lot of headache.  QR codes are being used more and more in a variety of ways including everything from coupons, poll questions, recipes, and now gardening tips!  I have found these to be very helpful as I planned my garden for this spring and summer.  If you are new to gardening...like myself, then take the time to scan the QR codes that are included with your seeds, and sprouts.  You can learn how to plant, and care for your Begonias, Gardenias, Spinach...or whatever you decide to grow!

QR Codes at Home Depot
Home Depot Sees the Value in QR Codes

I purchase a few plants from Home Depot and everything I purchased included QR Codes.  When I scan the QR codes they contain valuable information about the plant and includes information about how to care for them.  This has proven to be very helpful for someone like myself who is new to the gardening culture.  I have found this to be a great use of QR codes by Home Depot and I encourage you to take the time to scan the QR codes on products that you purchase.  You may be surprised about the benefit that you receive by scanning them. I have included a few pictures to share with you from a few items I purchased from Home Depot as well as some screenshots so you can see the content behind the QR codes.

I hope you have found this to be helpful!

Enjoy the rest of your day! 
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