How to scan QR codes with Samsung tablet

This post shows you how to scan QR codes with the Samsung Galaxy Tab.

QR codes are becoming very popular and you are likely to see them on advertisements in newspapers, magazines, flyers and television commercials. Fortunately, with their popularity comes a large number of helpful resources that help you to understand the marketing aspect of QR codes from the Mobile Site Link Exchange. Before you start marketing with them, you must first understand how to scan them so that you can help your customers scan the mobile barcodes to get the information you will provide for them. The Samsung Tablet can be a great tool for marketing and scanning bar codes. You can use the information in this article to educate your customers on how to get access to special content offered through your QR codes.

To scan QR codes with your Samsung Galaxy Tab do the following:

Download the iNigma barcode scanner from the Google Play App Store.

Next open the iNigma barcode scanner by tapping on it's icon

Finally, place your Samsung Galaxy Tab's camera over the QR code so it fits within the square on your screen. 

Your Samsung Galaxy Tab will then decode the QR code and display the contents on your screen.

Easy as 1,2,3!

Learn how Home Depot uses QR Codes to provide gardening tips!

Ready to start marketing with QR codes? 

There are many resources available on the Mobile Site Link Exchange including articles and tools you can use immediately!

Click on an item to get started.
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Samsung Galaxy S3 C Pen - Stylus - MSLE

[...] How to scan QR codes with Samsung tablet [...]

Gary Arnold Fowler

The iNigma barcode reader isn't compatible with Android and will therefore not install on a Samsung Galaxy tablet


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