Panera Bread Uses Social Media and QR Codes to Engage with Customers
Panera Bread uses QR codes to engage with customers. The hanging banners like the one in the photo included in this post are placed throughout Panera Bread and when scanned lead you to Panera Bread's YouTube Channel.
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The idea of engaging with customers using QR codes while they are at a location for an extended period of time can prove to be worth the investment if there is a call to action, however; Panera Bread's use of QR codes did not provide this. I scanned the QR code simply out of curiosity, but in a few months this will not be the case.
QR Codes are Great, but Where's the Incentive?
When you are using QR codes for marketing, provide an incentive to scan the QR code. Panera Bread receives a lot of customers during peak times; from my experience especially during breakfast and lunch. Providing an incentive for people to scan the QR code could have given a more pleasurable experience for the user and Panera Bread could have gotten more out of the use of the QR code than simply having it land on their non mobile-friendly YouTube Channel.
A Call to Action
I would love the opportunity to work with Panera Bread's marketing team before they attempt to use QR codes in their marketing again. Our team could create something for them that creates a pleasurable experience for the users as well as ROI for Panera Bread.
Panera Bread, I am extending an invitation for you to contact me regarding our team providing an awesome mobile marketing campaign for your restaurants! Send me a DM in Twitter @mslinkexchange. I look forward to working with you.
Here are a few links to other blogs about QR may find them interesting!
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- See how Walgreens Uses QR codes on paper products
- How to Use QR Codes for Your Business
- How to Increase Website Traffic with QR Codes
- See how Vegetarians benefit from scanning QR Codes
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