Mobile Marketing with QR Codes

Real Estate Marketing

This is part 3 of a 5 part series on how to promote your business with QR codes.  If you missed the first two parts, you can start by reading QR Codes on Business Cards to learn how to create business opportunities and engage with potential customers with mobile barcodes.  The information provided in this 5 part series about marketing your business can be used by small businesses as well as marketing professionals of large to mid-sized businesses.
Photo of qr code for real estate marketing

Marketing Real Estate with QR Codes

Part three of this series focuses on marketing real estate including real estate agents.  A number of real estate agencies market their properties using traditional methods such as flyers, billboards, yard signs, and print advertising.  Some have included SMS messaging to provide information to potential home buyers.  These traditional methods are great, but there is another way to engage potential home buyers... yes, you guessed it, QR codes!

QR codes are an awesome way to engage with potential home buyers because the agent can do more with it than a traditional method alone.  Using 2d codes in conjunction with print advertising can be a marketing juggernaut for real estate.  This is because mobile barcodes allow agents to really engage a customer with the property by allowing them to "experience" the product (home) at their convenience via their mobile device.  If you are wondering if QR codes are here to stay or just a passing fad take a look at these statistics:

  • According to Scanlife, barcode scanning grew 1600% in 2010!

  • Over 1 in 2 smartphone owners who have the app scanned a QR code in the past month! (Asking Canadians)

  • 85% of people who scanned a barcode would recommend it to a friend. (Asking Canadians)

Listen to this podcast about marketing real estate, then watch the video!

Watch the video to learn more about marketing real estate with QR codes

This is part 3 of the 5 part series, "5 Ways to Use QR Codes for your Business." Click here to see part 4.
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