Learn How to Create QR Code
So, you want to learn how to create QR codes? You have come to the right place. Creating QR codes is simple and you can do it right here on http://MobileSiteLinkExchange.com. It only takes a minute and this article will show you how. Before we get started, make sure you have a general understanding of QR codes and how to scan them with your smartphone. Here are a few articles that can help you:
Now that we have a basic understanding of QR codes, lets create one!
How to Create Your QR Code
First, visit http://MobileSiteLinkExchange.com and click on QR Codes and Mobile Marketing > Create QR Codes or just click here.
Next, enter the following information in the form:
- The website address that you would like for people to visit when they scan your QR code.
- Here are some examples of a web address (URL) that may help you:
- If you want have the person visit your Facebook when they scan your QR code, you would enter: http://facebook.com/yourname,
- If you wanted them to visit your website, you would enter your entire website address like this example: http://mobilesitelinkexchange.com,
- If you wanted the person to visit your Twitter page, you would enter your entire Twitter URL like this example: http://twitter.com/mslinkexchange
- Your e-mail address - This is required, we send your QR code to you along with the information that you entered.
Here are some optional data that you can provide:
- The location where you have the QR code placed, i.e. business card, flyer, newspaper ad
- city
- state
- zip
This information will be sent you in an e-mail at the address you provide.
Once you enter the information in the form provided, click the button labeled, Create My QR Code.
[caption id="attachment_739" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Screenshot of QR Code Generator Form"]
After you create your QR code, it will appear on the confirmation page. To save your QR code, you can save it to your computer by right-clicking on it. Once you have saved it to your computer you can add it to virtually any printed item, i.e. business cards, flyers, posters, etc.
[caption id="attachment_743" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="How to Create QR Codes confirmation page"]
Listen to this podcast to learn how to create QR codes
More about QR Codes
QR codes, or Quick Response codes were invented in Japan by a company named Denso-Wave. They are gaining popularity in the United States and other countries. Mostly in the U.S. they have been used for marketing, however, they can also be used for education, real estate, networking, coupons, and more. Download our QR code Scanning guide to help you gain a better understanding of how to scan quick response codes as well as some best practices.
[downloads_box title="Download QR Code Scanner Guide" nocredit="true"]
Download QR Code Scanner Guide
Check out this 3D Video about QR Codes
QR Code How Tos
This is a collection of QR Code How To articles that are great for beginners. They offer easy to understand tutorials on how to use, create and market with QR codes.
Learn how to scan QR codes
Want to learn the easy way to scan QR codes? Read this article!
How to Scan QR codes with Samsung Galaxy S3, S4
This how to shows you how to scan QR codes on your Samsung Galaxy S3 and S4.
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