Important Mobile App Stats #mobile

Important mobile app Stats

This is a great presentation that I saw on SlideShare. If you are interested in knowing about the sales of mobile applications including examples of revenue generated from iPhone and Android apps, then you should look at this. This slideshare presentation will also be helpful if you are a marketing professional and need supporting information when creating your budget and need some extra support for your marketing plan if it includes mobile app development.

Scan the QR code to learn Important mobile app Stats
If you are on your mobile phone or other mobile device, take a look at the mobile SlideShare Presentation using this link: or scan the QR Code with your smartphone's QR Code reader.

There is so much to learn about mobile technology, apps, mobile websites... it all can be a little overwhelming. Make sure you check the section about QR codes by clicking this link. This is a big part of the mobile boom that we are witnessing in the marketing world. Don't get left behind, we have a lot of information that will help you to get caught up and become awesome at marketing.

New to scanning QR codes?

[caption id="attachment_244" align="alignleft" width="228" caption="Scan the QR code to learn Important mobile app Stats"]Important Mobile App Stats[/caption]

Read our article on how to scan QR codes with your smartphone. This will teach you what you need to know about scanning QR codes as well as what barcode readers to install on your smartphone. Click here to get more information about setting up your phone to scan the barcode on this webpage.

View more presentations from stuartdredge.
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