@BigInJapanInc has created new QR code Reader for iPhone - ShopSavvy

New QR Code Reader for iPhone - ShopSavvy

Big in Japan, located in Dallas, Texas created another version of ShopSavvy. Originally, ShopSavvy was an 1d and 2d barcode scanner; now they have just released a new version of their software specifically for scanning QR, or quick response codes.  This is because users expressed to them that they were interested in only scanning QR codes with their software.  
I find this exciting because I am a user of ShopSavvy.  I have also recommended that others use it when I am asked about the best QR code scanning software for Android phones.

ShopSavvy for Android

I will be really excited with the version of this comes out for the Android. So, Big In Japan, "Can you please come out with a version for Android?  I would be very happy and so would the players of the ScanDayton QR Code ScanVenger Hunts!"
Okay, I am a user and I have made a request.  Hopefully the Android version of ShopSavvy will be out soon!
I will keep an eye out!

Download the ShopSavvy App from the App Store

The ShopSavvy app is available in the app store.  Make sure you download it and start scanning barcodes!  You may find some great local deals on the products you scan.
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