Black Friday

If you are a marketing professional you can capitalize off of the Black Friday holiday shoppers by using technology, social media, and a little bit of innovation. The purpose of doing this would be to ramp up your marketing efforts for the rest of the Christmas shopping season as well as get a jump start on Valentine's Day shoppers. I don't want to jump too far ahead so let's focus on some things you can do right now, through Black Friday, and for the rest of the holiday season.

Marketing Ideas for Black Friday

Create QR codes and use them to allow people to scan them and follow you on one of your social media channels: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Allowing your customers to engage with you via social media is great for them and you! I personally find it less intrusive than e-mail and you can communicate with customers more often. 

Ask shoppers to join your mailing list for exclusive offers. This can be done by having a sign up sheet at checkout, or a sign with a QR Code or NFC tag that, when scanned, leads customers to a mobile page that allows them to enter their e-mail address. 

Finally, encourage customers to share their purchases with their friends and family using their social media channels. You, as a forward thinking marketing professional, can engage with customers that share your content using social media.

I hope you found this information helpful as you prepare for Black Friday!

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