Learn how to use NFC on Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy S3 uses NFC to offer free music via special advertising campaign.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 has a number of cool features... particularly NFC. I have had the pleasure of using NFC via the Samsung display at an airport in Texas on a display that shows an ad with information on how to download a song using your NFC enabled phone.

Out of excitement of using my new Samsung phone and curiosity of the song that is available for download, I placed my Samsung phone on the display. Once my phone received the signal from the Samsung NFC tag in the display, I confirmed the connection and the mp3 began downloading immediately. It was very easy to do and in my opinion a very effective form of advertising for Samsung Galaxy S3.

Samsung Galaxy S3 Free song download
Samsung Galaxy S3 Free song download

To use NFC on your Samsung phone, do the following:

  • Go to your settings and tap on More Settings

  • On the following screen, tap on "NFC." This will enable this feature and allow for data exchange when your Samsung Galaxy S3 touches another device

  • Find an NCF tag and place your phone over it to complete your experience.

Samsung Galaxy S3 NFC Settings
Samsung Galaxy S3 NFC Settings

Samsung Galaxy S3 NFC Settings - NFC Enabled
Samsung Galaxy S3 NFC Settings - NFC Enabled



Additional links to articles on QR codes, mobile apps, and marketing

Will NFC Replace QR Codes?
Learn the benefits of NFC and learn the differences between them and QR codes

Five Uses for NFC
Learn 5 ways you can use NFC now

NFC and the new Samsung Galaxy SIII
Gain some insight on Samsung and NFC
What Mobile Technologies do you use to market your business? - MSLE

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[...] Learn how to use NFC on Samsung Galaxy S3 If you have a Samsung Galaxy S3, then this is a must read. [...]


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