Awesome Gillette QR Code with Video featured on CNN - @gillette

[caption id="attachment_405" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Designer QR code by Comtactics - Gillette QR Code"]Comtactics Gillette QR Code[/caption]

The Gillette QR Code was featured on CNN

This QR code was featured on CNN for having one of the "coolest QR Codes".  CNN highlited 23 custom designed QR codes and the Gillette QR Code designed by Comtactics was featured along with others from around the world.  Learn more about Comtactics and designer QR codes by visiting their website at  You can also view their other designer QR codes by clicking this link.

Gillette QR Code offers High-tech Grooming Tips for Men

Okay, ladies, this technology article post is for the men! Okay guys, this is the most high-tech instructional "manual" I have seen that provides personal grooming tips. This is for the smartphone and table owners, iPhone, iPad, iPod (with camera), Android Tablets, Android Phones, etc. anyway, you get the picture! Open your QR code reader and scan this QR code to get some very helpful, high-tech grooming tips. Who knows, you may even impress your wife or girlfriend with what you learn after scanning the QR code! Ladies, if you are curious, you can scan it too. :)

More about QR Codes

QR Codes are a great marketing tool, when done right.  Here at The Mobile Site Link Exchange, we offer tools that allow you to use QR codes that allow you to increase sales, measure ROI and provide a pleasant experience for your customers.  Click here to learn more about QR codes.

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